with Margaret Morbey
Monthly Quiz at The Bell
Another successful Quiz was held on Sunday January 15 and the winning team Anybodys will be setting the questions for next month to take place on Sunday February 12. Come along on the night or make up a table and book your place with Ollie and Sharon at The Bell.
Charity Bottle
One person’s loss is another one’s gain. In this instance, a Chearsley villager has lost more than 3 stone over 3 months and has donated £200 to the charity bottle in The Bell which will go towards an Eye Scanner at Stoke Mandeville Hospital.
Mobile Library
This will next be in the village on Monday January 30 from 12.20 until 12.45pm.
Parish Council Meeting Monday January 16
This took place under the chairmanship of the Vice Chairman, Leif Hytten with 3 members of the public present.
During the Public Session, Ann Hooton informed the meeting of the Bulk Oil buying scheme of which she is Chearsley’s co-ordinator and invited anyone interested in benefiting from cheaper oil through bulk buying to get in touch with her and to complete an application form. Ann’s phone number is 208306 and her email is annhooton@yahoo.co.uk.
Chuf’s use of the village hall possibly curbing its use by others at weekends was discussed and agreed to be looked into at the next Village Hall Management Committee meeting.
The budget was approved, which includes provision and maintenance of 2 dog bins, a footpath survey and village plan. Siting of the dog bins during the trial period will be discussed.
Two quotes for work to the trees on the Green, chestnut tree and walnut tree had been obtained, but could not be started until planning permission to cut down one sycamore on the Green was obtained.
An amended plan concerning the entrance to the proposed new house at land to the rear of Old House School Lane had been submitted, which was noted and no action needed.
Village Survey – this had now been completed. There had been 72 responses, representing 16.9% of the 426 people on the Electoral Role. From the survey, it was agreed to put forward Option C to AVDC as the Parish Council’s decision regarding future planning. A meeting of all villagers who agreed to become involved in the Parish Plan would be arranged shortly.
Highways and Open Areas – Dave Smith from AVDC to be asked to visit again to discuss blocked drains in Dark Lane possibly from building work, and the deterioration of Aylesbury Road. Worn road markings by Shupps Lane and Church Lane with possibility of removing all road markings could also be discussed at this time.
Traffic Calming – It was reported that Chearsley could possibly get a grant from the LAF budget project. Clare Lazaruk was looking into this.
Celebrations for the Queen’s Jubilee, Olympics and Fete – another meeting to discuss this would be made in February.
Wild flower areas - Mike Heybrook suggested an area near the Old Granary, Crendon Road, which could become a trial area for reseeding and sowing with wild flowers, and with many areas in the village which could benefit from a twice yearly strim.
Free Thermal images survey. Mike Heybrook would be putting a poster on the Noticeboard with more details of this survey, funded by LAF , which invites anyone to have their house surveyed to record heat loss.
The next meeting will be held on Monday February 13in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.