Thursday, 16 February 2012

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Planning Forum Meeting
If you would like to be involved in the development of The village plan for Chearsley, please come to the meeting on Wednesday February 29 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. It is hoped that there will be a speaker with experience of creating a Parish Plan who will be able to give some guidance in putting the plan together. More volunteers are needed for various roles. It will be better to have a large number of people contributing a little of their time and effort, rather than a small number contributing a large amount. So, please come on Monday February 29.

Cricket Club Quiz
There are still tickets and tables available for this Quiz on Friday February 24 at the village hall. It will be a fun evening with questions set by Larry Warr, fish and chip supper and bar. Tickets are £10 per person. Please contact Sonia at to buy your ticket.

Six Nations Rugby at Cricket Club
The match between England and Wales will be shown at Chearsley Cricket Club on Saturday February 25 at 3pm. The bar will be open 1 hour before and again at half time when food will be served. The match between Scotland and France will be shown on Sunday February 26 at 2.00pm. Please contact John Howard on 07970651326 or email Further matches will be shown on the weekend of March 10 and 11.

Mobile Library
This will next be in the village on Monday February 27 from 12.20 until 12.45pm.

Doorstep Bags for recycling clothes for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research
I have been sent information from a representative of the charity Beating Blood Cancers which verifies the partnership between E.L.T. (East London Textiles Ltd) and Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research. Since January this year, ELT, a well established UK textile recycling company, has pledged to donate at least £60,000 each year to the charity for research into blood cancers.

All recycling baskets including boxes for glass will next be collected on Tuesday March 6.

Bingo at The Bell

The regular monthly sessions of Bingo continue to be popular and good fun with the now expert and experienced bingo callers, Paul and Andy. The next one will be held on Tuesday March 6. starting at about 8.30pm. The Bell offer a special price for a meal for Bingo players. Come early or book your meal with Ollie and Sharon.