Monday, 28 October 2013

Long Crendon Library

What’s On at Long Crendon Library
(apart from lots of brilliant books)

You do not have to be a Library member to be welcome at any of these events:

For Pre-schoolers:
Bounce and Rhyme: Wednesdays 11-11.30: songs and stories.
PJ Friday: last Friday of the month at 5.30. Wear PJs and bring Teddy.
Arts and crafts: Tuesdays 10.30-11.30 (18 months-5 years)
All welcome!

Coffee Morning: 10-12.30 on the first Wednesday of the month.
Tea, coffee and homemade cake, plus a good natter.

Crendon Crafters: alternate Tuesday afternoons during winter months, with occasional talks/demonstrations. Do your own craftwork in good company.

Computer Lessons: free one-to-one tutorials on a Friday afternoon to learn basic computer use. Book your session at the Library.

Film Club: Alternate Thursday afternoons and Friday evenings, from October to April. Ask in the Library for details on membership and the current programme. Enjoy great films and a glass of wine in a friendly ambience.

Computers for public use: there is a small charge for using the internet other than the Bucks site on which, amongst other things, you can access free of charge.

Photocopying: A4 b/w: 10p; colour: 50p.

The Library can also be booked for outside events, eg talks, book groups. There are excellent projector/screening facilities, and very reasonable rates.
E-mail for more details.

(A pdf copy of these amenities is available here.)