Saturday, 18 March 2017

It's OK to Crochet!

It is now OK to Crochet!
Would you like to learn?

Anne Pratt will be holding a small group, introductory (or refresher) 3 session “Learn to crochet” course in Chearsley, Wednesday 26th April 10am - 12noon for 3 weeks.

She is a qualified adult education skills teacher and has been crocheting, on and off, for nearly 50 years. Having retired from full time work, she felt this would be a good opportunity to share her skills.

The cost will be £30 for which you will be given instruction, a hook, darning needle, appropriate yarn each week and coffee/tea and cake!

This is a special rate to test the waters at home before advertising further classes in the autumn. She is also planning to run a fortnightly ‘club’ session after the course, offering support, small projects if required (at a separate cost) and a chance for ‘crochet and catch-up’.

For further details or to express an interest contact:
Anne Pratt - 01844201611,