Saturday, 15 April 2017

Village News

with Margaret Morbey : 01844-208913

After the longest holiday Phil and I have ever had, we are now happy to be back home again to find that Chearsley’s diary is quickly filling up with events and occasions and more than time for me to get back to the computer and try to keep everyone informed and reminded of as much of Chearsley news and forthcoming events as I can.

Easter weekend in Chearsley
At the Church:
Easter Saturday 10am an invitation to help create the Easter Garden.
Easter Saturday 8pm Benefice Holy Communion and Service of Light
Easter Sunday 10am Family Communion and Easter Egg Hunt
At The Bell:
Easter Sunday 11am Easter Egg Hunt in the garden at The Bell. Tea, coffee, sausage and bacon baps
Bank Holiday Monday an Easter Panto based on the Trolls movie telling the Easter story at 10.30am in Cuddington Church. There is no charge and there will be refreshments and an Easter Egg Hunt.

One sad piece of news I have to share is the death of my brother, Mac who died a week before we came home. Mac always loved The Bell , then run by Danny and Ann McKay, becoming a 6 o’clock regular when he was home from working in Nigeria or Somalia and for a while living here with us or Mum in Bernard's Close. Many old customers of The Bell will doubtless remember him – a matter of once seen or heard, never forgotten. A very individual, intelligent and well educated ex-Cambridge graduate, Doctor of Botany, not suffering fools gladly and never holding back in letting his opinion be known. The cancer in his mouth diagnosed early last year had not responded to a course of chemo and although initially managing very well, since Christmas he had quickly deteriorated and he died in Swansea hospital on Tuesday March 28.

More sad news is to learn of the death of Rosemary Wallis who had lived in Dark Lane in the house built by her husband Don in the 1950s. Rosemary had been unwell for a few months and died in Stoke Mandeville hospital a few days ago. The contribution Rosemary made to Chearsley life over many years is great. She was a stalwart of the church as Church warden, also organising the church flowers and running the Sunday School and allotments ; chairman of the annual fete committee; President of Chearsley W.I. for many years; the setting up of the annual village fruit and vegetable show and more recently her regular tea parties in her home for the older members of the village who enjoyed the social gatherings and delighted in her home made cakes. Since her childhood, Rosemary had been a member of Aylesbury Choral Society. A quiet, private lady who has loved and cared for Chearsley more than most people will realize. She will be greatly missed and our condolences go to her family.

Chearsley Church
The parishes of Long Crendon, Chearsley and Nether Winchendon joined together on Palm Sunday morning, a glorious spring day, to celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem for a combined service at Chearsley church. Proceedings began at Chearsley Village hall with a continental breakfast while the children made palm branches from old newspapers. Then, under a cloudless sky all processed down to the church led by Lottie, Alex Wall Morris’ sweet natured little brown pony, posing on this occasion as a donkey! Lottie was totally unphased by everything , even the wonderful pealing of the bells as the procession arrived at church. Thanks go to her minders, Livvy and Claire. Reverend Richard Phillips led a joyful Family Holy Communion Service to a full church.

The W.I. held a very successful stall on The Green on Saturday April 8 when their overflowing table of home-made cakes, marmalades and jams quickly sold out. They would like to thank everyone who contributed and supported this fund raising venture which also provided the opportunity for villagers to chat and share news.

W.I. Next Meeting
This will be held in the village hall this Tuesday April 18 when Denise Beddows will be giving a talk on Buckinghamshire Spies and Subversives. Everyone is very welcome to attend. Please come for the talk to commence at 2.40pm. The cost is £5 to include tea and biscuits.

St George’s Day celebration meal at The Bell
Book your table now for Saturday April 22 when The Bell are offering a 2 course traditional English meal for £16.95 or 3 courses for £19.95. Expect a hearty sing song and much patriotic flag waving. Please let Sharon know if you would like to come as soon as possible.

Parish Council Village Meeting Monday April 24 
A reminder that the Parish Council is inviting everyone to hear what the Parish Council has planned for Chearsley for the coming year, including wine and nibbles at 7:00pm in the village hall before the meeting starts at 7.30pm. Also included will be an update on the progress of the the new village hall and contributions from other village groups. Please come to support the Council who are doing what they think is necessary for the benefit of us all. Your opinion and contribution would be very much appreciated by them. Please email the clerk, Helen Spurgeon at or phone 01844 202107 if you plan to come.

Another date for the diary is Saturday June 24th when the fête will take place on and around The Green. More volunteers are needed to help run the usual array of stalls and activities and to help before hand and on the day. Please contact Angela Gray at if you can help or have any suggestions to make the day a great fundraising success.

Meadow Song Farewell to the village hall Saturday July 8
There will be another wonderful concert by Joy Payne’s brother Paul with his friend Laura on Saturday July 8 as a farewell event to the old village hall. Please make a note of the date. More details of time and tickets will be available in due course.

Chearsley Classic & Vintage Fun Day
This now regular yearly village event will be held this year on Sunday September 10 in the grounds of Chearsley Cricket Club when it is hoped that more than 200 vintage and classic vehicles will be on show and the Battle of Britain Flypast will again make an appearance. Last year was the largest show yet when over £5000 was raised for the village junior cricket academy. The website with more details has been updated and is ready for anyone to register to bring along their car to the show.

Chearsley Cricket Club
The 2017 season is about to start for the Cricket Club with Junior Coaching starting on Tuesday April 18 from 6.30 to 8pm and the first match of the season on Saturday April 22 at 1.30pm when the 1st XI play Amersham Hill. James Veness, Captain of Chearsley Cricket Club, writes that in order for the Club to have a competitive 1st and 2nd XI, the club needs greater squad depth and also needs to increase efforts in coaching and motivating the many promising youngsters in their ranks. A major recruitment drive is under way.
The club would also urge all members and supporters to encourage aspiring cricketers they know to choose Chearsley as their Club. Please contact Peter Redfern on 0775 618929 or Adam Lazaruk on 07865 093154.

Parking in Haddenham
 I learn from Christina of Haddenham who still voluntarily contributes to the Bucks Herald villages section for Haddenham, that Transport for Bucks has notified Haddenham Parish Council that line marking proposals for Thame Road near the railway station have now been commissioned. On Tuesday April 18 it is planned for cones to be installed on site to keep drivers from parking in the road to enable the lining to take place on Wednesday April 19. This should be completed within 2 days, weather permitting. Signing works for the new clearway zone to the west of the railway station and the clearway extension on Pegasus Way up to the A418 roundabout are also due to start on April 18 taking 2 days.

Sunshine Club Spring Bazaar
 This will be held on Saturday April 22 at 2pm in the Bernard Hall, Cuddington. This is an annual “recycling” event. A great opportunity for bargain hunters. Stalls of home-made cakes, white elephant, bric-a-brac, good second hand clothes, books, toys. There will also be refreshments and a raffle. Entrance costs 20p. Children are free. Contributions are welcome at the hall in the morning, or please ring 01844 299150 to arrange collection.