Tuesday 12 November 2019

Chearsley Parish Assets – Natural & Historic Environment

Parishioner, Ian Houseman has just produced a document entitled “Chearsley Parish Assets – Natural & Historic Environment”.

In discussions with the Parish Council, Ian generously undertook to produce this document to help us argue the case against any unwelcome new developments which may confront our community in the future. A case in point is, of course, the planned Oxford Cambridge Expressway with the associated plans for the development of new housing in our locality on a massive scale.

He has produced a resume of the ‘assets’ of Chearsley village under five separate headings:

1. Landscape
2. Cultural heritage
3. Nature conservation
4. Geology & soils
5. Road drainage the water environment

Ian, with a lifelong career in agricultural management and consultancy, is well qualified to carry out this work for our community. He stresses that this initial document is very much ‘work in progress’ and is already working on extending its coverage. He would also welcome any feedback from our community and suggestions for additional areas for investigation.

Ian’s report can be accessed on this link: http://www.chearsley.com/OCE/Chearsley_CP_Assets.pdf

Survey of Horse-Chestnut Trees

Ian Houseman has also just completed a survey of the Horse-Chestnut trees in and
around Chearsley Village. His work revealed that infestation by ‘leaf mining moths’ was
present in varying degrees in all the trees he inspected. As explained in his report, this tiny moth (Cameraria ohridella) arrived in the UK in 2002 and has already spread to many parts of the UK. Its presence will not kill the tree but renders the tree far more vulnerable to range of stress factors and results in early leaf fall. His report recommends that the positioning of ‘pheromone traps’ on the trees from April, to lure the male moths. Whilst this may not entirely eradicate the problem, it will have a significant benefit in limiting the damage caused by the moths. Clearing away and burning the leaf litter in the autumn is also advisable.

At their last meeting, the Parish Council agreed to undertake these measures around the
Horse-Chestnut tree at the main village junction. As many of the trees are growing on resident’s property, it was also agreed to publicise Ian’s report among our community and it can be accessed on this link: http://www.chearsley.com/OCE/Horse-Chestnut_Survey_2019.pdf

Ian is also very happy to advise residents on the best course of action to take in their
particular circumstances and can be contacted on ian.houseman@btconnect.com
The Parish Council is extremely grateful to Ian for undertaking this work, which, it is to be hoped, will limit the damage to the thirty or so Horse-Chestnut trees in our village, caused by this particular infestation.