Thursday, 2 January 2020


In December 2018, Chearsley Parish Council commissioned a study to examine options for improving the multiple road junction in the centre of the village. The study was prompted by Safety, Speeding and Verge Damage concerns.

The final report from the study was delivered in September 2019. It details 12 Options for improvement, some of which are sub-options of others and provided at the request of the PC to give a more detailed indication of likely costs. Having studied the report, the PC is of the view that 3 Options should be taken forward for further investigation.

It is noted that all these Options cause the PC some concern at their proximity to the iconic Horse Chestnut Tree. The PC wishes to emphasise that if any of the Options were eventually to be implemented, care would be taken to modify them as necessary to avoid risk to the tree.

Option 2.
This is the simplest and lowest cost of the Options that satisfactorily addresses all the concerns that prompted the study. Essentially is involves re-shaping the entry of Winchenden and Chilton Roads onto Crendon Road.

Option 3.
A more complex and expensive Option that includes not only re-shaping of the junction as in Option 2, but further measures including narrowing of the main road, improved footpath provision, re-shaping of the bus-stop and junction of the Green onto Crendon Rd and closure of one limb at the top of School Lane. The components of this Option would not necessarily all have to be implemented at the same time.

Option 6.
This provides a mini roundabout at the junction; the most expensive option. This might be considered the ultimate way to address the problems, especially if traffic levels on the Winchenden to Long Crendon route continue to increase and has been included for further study for that reason. It could require additional signage and street lighting.

Way Forward
The Parish Council is now inviting comments from residents on the Options contained in the Study. This consultation period will last to the end of January, after which a further review will be conducted and decisions made on the best way forward.
The Junction Study Final Report is available here. Comments should be sent to, or posted to Orchard House, Church Lane, HP18 0DF.