Monday 9 November 2020

Remembrance Sunday Service

In line with current government and Church of England guidelines, a shortened Remembrance Sunday service took place at Chearsley War Memorial this year. It was, nevertheless, a memorable service which did full justice to both the poignancy and strength of community feeling within our village.

 A number of villagers chose to view the service from a distance but many paid their individual respects to our fallen heroes, either in their own homes or on their doorsteps.

A big thank you to all those contributed to such a memorable and worthy occasion, including:

  • Our Lay Minister, John Scholefield
  • Air Marshall Susan Gray, representing the serving members of the armed forces, who laid a wreath.
  • Both Parish Council Chairman, Nic Brown and, pupils of Cuddington & Dinton Church of England School,  Kit Chantrey and Sam Gibson, who also laid wreaths of honour
  • Our bugler, James Sansome, who delivered a superb rendition of The Last Post and The Reveille
  • Anne and Jeremy Pratt for arranging the bell ringing.