Sunday, 18 April 2021

Village Update

o Village Party Notice - July 24th

o April Parish Council Meeting - Monday 19th April

o Potential Air Pollution in Chearsley

Village Party Saturday July 24th 

April Parish Council Meeting

The April Parish Council meeting will be held virtually at 7.30pm Monday 18th April and can be watched live or via recording afterwards on the following link:

Air Pollution in Chearsley

The Parish Council has recently received a complaint from a resident on the Western side of the village about being affected both inside and outside their home by “smoke fumes, chemical smells from weed killer, fertilisers or pesticides, and at times, eye-wateringly strong ammonia fumes”.

To help the PC investigate this issue, it would be helpful to know how widespread the problem is.  We would therefore be very grateful if as many residents as possible could advise the PC at please:

1.    Have you experienced similar problems?

If yes:

2.    In which area of the village?

3.    Inside or outside your home?

4.    When did you first notice this problem?

5.    How frequently does the problem occur (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly, etc)?  

6.    Can you provide any information on timings, e.g. times of the year, days of the week, times of day, duration?

This issue may ultimately require investigation by Buckinghamshire Council Public Health. Information gathered in response to this note will be very helpful in any such investigation.

Many thanks for your assistance and cooperation.