Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Historical Society - Progress Report


Chearsley Village Historical Society
Progress Report
 December 2022

Plans for the development of a Chearsley Village Historical Society (CVHS) were outlined at two village meetings during the current year - on Thursday 12th May and more recently on Wednesday 7th September.


The following notes briefly summarise the further progress made in recent months.

Steering Group:

A Steering Group has been established to oversee the development of the Chearsley Village Historical Society. Its main work in its meetings to date has been the preparation of a Governance Statement, which will describe the purpose of the new organisation and how its mission will be achieved. This is an essential first step in ensuring that the CVHS organisation is developed along properly considered guidelines and it is also a pre-requisite needed to support any application for external funding. It is hoped to circulate a final proposal to all interested parties in January or February next year.

The current members of the Steering Group are:

Derek Allen, Graham Barry, John Howard, John Lewis, Sharon Sampson, Karen Vear, Sarah Vickers and Julia Wood.

Project Groups:

The Stockwell Restoration Project continues to move forward. Restoration of the village pond and landscaping works in the adjacent area took place earlier this year.

More recently the existing pump was replaced by a new or rather a restored pump, dating from the early years of the 20th Century. This pump was discovered in the garden of ‘Merrifield’ in Dark Lane and is believed to have been originally located at The Stockwell.


 Further landscaping and kerbing works adjacent to the site will take place in the next few months and further research into the historical role of the site within our village community will be concluded.

The current members of the Stockwell Restoration Project Group are:
Derek Allen, Paul Bown, Ian Houseman, John Howard and John Lewis.

The Chearsley Village School Project Group has held two meetings in recent months. Its purpose is to collect more documentary, photographic and othe evidence relating to the school to illustrate its vital role within our village community. The group has already received a very positive response to its request for information and photographs.

It is also intended to put together an audio library based on interviews with those who attended school before its closure in 1988.

 It is also hoped to stage a Chearsley Village School Reunion event during 2023.

 Current members of the Chearsley Village School Project Group are:

Anne Adams, Gladys Arnott, Christine Collins, Peter Collins, John Howard, Sandra Saunders,

Tricia Tokeley, Karen Vear.

Here’s a photograph of ‘The Class of 1978…..any familiar faces?


….or how about ‘The Class of 1985’?


Two further groups will start work in the New Year.

 A Chearsley Pub Revival Group will conduct further research into the five pubs which sold beer in the village during the last couple of centuries:

The Bell, The Boot, The Pig & Whistle, The Plough, The Red Lion and The White Horse

 …..and a’ Chearsley Pub Revival Day’ is also being planned

A Chearsley Historical Project Group will start to conduct further research into the impact of a range of key external events in English history on the community of Chearsley from Saxon times through the Middle Ages.


Other historical ‘events’ which took place in the village this year included:


·        St Nicholas Church History Day (Sunday 20th March)


 Chearsley Cricket Club Centenary Dinner & Dance (Saturday 19th November): 

The next CVHS village meeting will take place in the Village Hall on the evening of Thursday 9th February.

This will provide a further opportunity to provide an update on the range of activities being undertaken by our new organisation and hear views from our community on how best to take things forward.

In the meantime, have a very Happy Christmas and New Year.

Thursday, 24 November 2022

This Sunday

Although it's not December yet, the season of Advent begins this Sunday 27th November.  

If you're looking for something more traditional, then why not come along to the first Communion service of Advent in the morning, or to the first of the Carol services, featuring the Benefice Choir.

 10:00am - Advent Communion (St Nicholas's, Chearsley)

6:00pm - Advent Carol Service (St Mary's, Long Crendon)


Don’t forget to also put in your diaries:

11th Dec 6pm Lessons and Carols

24th Dec  3.30pm - Nativity / Crib – do come dressed up ( I have costumes if you would like to borrow one )

24th Dec 11pm – Midnight Communion – always quiet, beautiful and candlelit.

25th Dec - 10am - Christmas Praise

Monday, 21 November 2022

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Monday, 14 November 2022

This Sunday

Come along and meet up with friends at Chearsley Village Hall for coffee and cake on Sunday, and start your Christmas shopping – mince-pies, puddings, cakes and Chearsley Orchard apple juice, cards, gifts, decorations, hand-crafted wooden Christmas trees, children’s illustrated books signed by the authors, gorgeous gift boxes of ‘planet friendly’ skin-care products …


Sunday, 13 November 2022

Remembrance Sunday


Our Remembrance Sunday service at the War Memorial this year was blessed with glorious autumn sunshine

 A big thank you to all those contributed to this moving and memorable occasion.

The service was taken by our Lay Minister, John Scholefield, who recalled all those from our village who sacrificed their lives during both World Wars.

 Air Marshall Susan Gray, representing the serving members of the armed forces, and Annalise Smith, wife of Greg, our local MP, both laid wreaths on the War Memorial.

Pupils of Cuddington and Dinton School placed wreaths on behalf of their schools and other youngsters from our village placed crosses at its base, alongside those already placed by the children from CHUF.  

In addition to those from our own community, it was also an occasion to remember all those who have lost their lives in other conflicts around the world. In particular, a special tribute was paid to Georgii Lysenko , son of Sergii and Nataliia and brother to Timo who now live locally. Georgii, a translator in the army, was recently killed on active service in the war in Ukraine.

Finally, sincere thanks to Sharon and her team at The Bell who provided refreshments  in the pub garden after the service.

Thursday, 10 November 2022

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

November Services


Food Bank Collection in Chearsley

Following the closure of the Village Shop,  a Food Bank Collection Box will be located in the bus shelter at the top of School Lane.

This will provide another collection point in the village for those wishing to make donations, in addition to the one already located in the porch at the Church.


The donations received will continue to be shared between food banks in Thame & Aylesbury, co-ordinated by St Nicholas Church.

Chearsley Conservation Area and planning restrictions and permissions required

 Much of Chearsley is in a designated Conservation Area. The exact area is shown on the first page of this document here

Development can take place in a Conservation Area, but is subject to greater control. The following is a list of types of development that are controlled by Conservation Area designation, and therefore require applications for planning permission or Conservation Area consent. The additional conditions are explained in this document here 

Note that any trees above a certain size cannot be felled or pruned without applying for and gaining planning permission  as outlined below in the short extract of the document below.

Note this list is not exhaustive: 

- Trees within Conservation Areas with stem diameters of 75mm or greater when measured at a height of 1.5m above ground level are protected. Anyone wishing to work on such trees must normally give six weeks notice to the Local Authority. Replacement planting duties may apply.

- Demolition of all and in some cases part, of any building or structure. 

- Any extension of two or more storeys that extends to the rear and any extension that extends to the side.

- Any enlargement consisting of an addition or alteration to its roof, such as a dormer window. 

- Cladding, any part of the outside of a building with materials such as stone, artificial stone, timber, plastic or tile.

- The erection, extension or alterations of garden structures and outbuildings (such as a shed), situated on land between the side elevation of a dwelling house and the boundary of the curtilage of that dwelling house.

- A satellite dish or a chimney, flue or soil and vent pipe, installed on a front or side wall or roof slope that fronts a highway.

- Solar panels installed on a wall that fronts a highway; or a stand-alone solar array that would be closer than the existing dwelling to any highway which bounds the property.

- Tighter advertisement controls.