Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Chearsley Conservation Area and planning restrictions and permissions required

 Much of Chearsley is in a designated Conservation Area. The exact area is shown on the first page of this document here

Development can take place in a Conservation Area, but is subject to greater control. The following is a list of types of development that are controlled by Conservation Area designation, and therefore require applications for planning permission or Conservation Area consent. The additional conditions are explained in this document here 

Note that any trees above a certain size cannot be felled or pruned without applying for and gaining planning permission  as outlined below in the short extract of the document below.

Note this list is not exhaustive: 

- Trees within Conservation Areas with stem diameters of 75mm or greater when measured at a height of 1.5m above ground level are protected. Anyone wishing to work on such trees must normally give six weeks notice to the Local Authority. Replacement planting duties may apply.

- Demolition of all and in some cases part, of any building or structure. 

- Any extension of two or more storeys that extends to the rear and any extension that extends to the side.

- Any enlargement consisting of an addition or alteration to its roof, such as a dormer window. 

- Cladding, any part of the outside of a building with materials such as stone, artificial stone, timber, plastic or tile.

- The erection, extension or alterations of garden structures and outbuildings (such as a shed), situated on land between the side elevation of a dwelling house and the boundary of the curtilage of that dwelling house.

- A satellite dish or a chimney, flue or soil and vent pipe, installed on a front or side wall or roof slope that fronts a highway.

- Solar panels installed on a wall that fronts a highway; or a stand-alone solar array that would be closer than the existing dwelling to any highway which bounds the property.

- Tighter advertisement controls.