Chearsley Initiatives Update
Hello Chearsley
We would like to let you know about a number of initiatives that are of merit and currently forming part of the wider PC thinking and vision for the village of Chearsley over the coming years.
1. Horse Chestnut Intersection improvements.
This is live and has been for some time, although currently developing slowly as more Bucks Council commitment is awaited.
2. Increased car parking provisions.
This is now live and progressing towards a site meeting, costs, a village survey and meeting.
3. Introduction of a Village Maintenance Plan to protect and enhance lanes, verges, footpaths, grass cutting and walkways.
This is agreed in principle as a strong possibility with a proposal being written for discussion and further consultation within the PC.
4. Introduction of roadside Oak Bollards to protect from verges damage in key locations.
Work has already involved completion of a village mapping survey and details of a trial location will be agreed and announced shortly.
5. Chearsley Village Historical Society.
Very much up and running with many events and presentations already confirmed or being planned.
Hopefully this update provides further transparency and inclusivity as to the wider thinking of the PC in securing and protecting our village assets.
We also urge all parishioners to keep abreast of PC and other activities by regularly checking the new village website
Remember also that everyone is welcome to attend PC meetings, to ask questions or comment on what you hear. Meeting dates are here.
Thank You and Best Wishes
Chearsley Parish Councillors & Officers