Friday, 15 May 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Remember that collection of bins (no baskets) next week will be on Wednesday 27th May, after the Bank Holiday on Monday 25th May.

A Curry Night is being held on Friday June 5th in the Tearooms in support of Help For Heroes. This is a new charity, launched in October 2007 aiming to make a real difference to the lives of wounded soldiers and other servicemen. The first 8million pounds raised has been allocated to providing a new swimming pool and gym complex at DMRC Headley Court, with work due to begin in November this year.

The Curry Night has sittings at 6, 7 and 8pm, each ticket costing £10, for your curry meal including a glass of wine or beer.

Please ring Jay on 208486 to book your place as soon as possible

Congratulations to all those Chearsley ladies who took part this year in raising money for cancer by completing the Race for Life at Waddesdon on Sunday, May 10th.

A BMW car from Dark Lane was stolen last week. It is thought by entry being made through a back window into the house to obtain the car keys.

Help is wanted for this much needed club to continue on the first Friday of each month. The Club meets in the Village Hall from 6.15 to 8.15pm. More information is available from Gilly on 202469 or Paul on 202202.

This met at the Cricket Club on Monday, 11th May.

A few points arising are :

Nic Brown was unanimously re-elected to continue as Chairman with Leif Hytten as Vice Chairman.

Kerbing -More meetings will take place with Dave Smith from AVDC to discuss the next stage of kerbing.

News on funding for the path across the Green is still being waited for, and until this can be done, the new benches cannot be installed..

Dog Waste bins, gritting bins with design approved of by The Prince of Wales, graffiti in bus shelter, a web cam and the tug of war against Cuddington are all matters to be looked into by the Council.

It was reported that the dog gate in the old strawberry field, off Church Lane needs repair. Mike Heybrook would be contacted about this.

A new kissing gate has been installed in the old cricket club field in Aylesbury Road.

It was asked that an official complaint be made by the Parish Council to known speeding offenders down Church Lane each day.

The next meeting is to be on June 15th