Thursday, 22 October 2009

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Chearsley Fete in June 2010
There has been a preliminary meeting chaired by Claire Lazaruk and the date of Saturday June 26th has been agreed as the date for the Fete next year. So please make a note of this date. Planning is still in the early stages and Clare would welcome any offers of help on the day to run the various stalls, help beforehand, or any ideas or suggestions you may have. The suggested theme is “nature”. Please email Clare on and watch the noticeboard for any further meetings.

Baby Congratulations
These go to Will and Sarah Sawrey-Cookson of School Lane, who have only recently moved to Chearsley, on the birth of Sophie, a sister for Olivia and Katie. Good luck with your new daughter and your life in our lovely village.

Part-time Job opportunities
Jay is looking for help in the Tearooms and Shop. Please see her notice in the shop window.

A dog walker or someone who could let 2 dogs out at lunch time is being sought. Please phone Sheena on 07706666343 or 01844 201261.

Youth Club
There will be Fireworks at the Village Hall on Saturday, November 7th, organized by the Youth Club. This starts at 6.30pm. More details will be available later.

Pumpkin Night
A reminder to come to this at The Bell on the evening of Thursday, October 29th

Halloween at The Tearooms
Family fun and treats for children in Halloween costume and adults on Friday 30th October from 5pm to 7pm

Baskets as well as bins are collected on November 3rd.