Thursday, 22 April 2010

Protest by the EDL: Aylesbury town centre on May 1st.

The English Defence League (EDL) are planning to hold a protest in Aylesbury town centre on Saturday May 1st. AVDC and Thames Valley Police are concerned enough about the event to have published two leaflets available in pdf format from this link.
These are: Frequently asked questions - residents' leaflet and Frequently Asked Questions - town centre businesses. Of the two, the second is more readable, and is possibly more applicable to non-residents of Aylesbury as it covers the advice given to shops and pubs and how it may affect their service to you.
It is worth noting the general advice given:
Please don’t come as spectators. In the morning, it is expected that some businesses will open as usual. During the time of the protest, the town is not a good place for children and they should be accompanied by an adult.
I'll print out and leave a handful of leaflets at the Tearooms and The Bell.