Thursday, 8 April 2010

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Wedding Congratulations
Richard Grimsdell, middle son of Sue and Peter, former landlord of The Bell in Chearsley, married Dawn Andrews on Easter Saturday at Chearsley Church. All the best to them both for their future together.

Bingo at The Bell
A good number were at another successful Bingo night at The Bell on Tuesday, 6th with good fortune attracted to a couple of lucky tables. A raffle raised over £40 towards the cost of Chearsley’s Fayre. The Bingo lingo gives rise to a few questions of the origin of the calling names and I have tracked down the reason for the association of Number 9 and Doctor’s Orders. “Number 9” was the name of a laxative in World War II. Not much call for that in The Bell!

Chearsley W.I.
Their next meeting will be on Tuesday, 20th April at 2.oo pm in the Village Hall, when ex-BBC weather forecaster Bill Giles OBE will be giving a talk on “Presenting the BBC Weather Forecast”. Please do come along, as the meeting is open to everyone, members or not, to what will be a very interesting afternoon. Let’s hope the weather is favourable! There will be tea and cakes for refreshments afterwards.

Parish Meeting Wednesday 21st April
We are all invited to the Annual Parish Meeting in the Village Hall at 7.30pm, when we have an opportunity to hear about current and future plans for Chearsley from the Chairman of the Parish Council, Nic Brown, and we can air our views on village matters. Members of the Parish Council will be in the Hall from 7.00 to discuss any matters of concern.

Sunshine Club
The Spring Bazaar will be on Saturday, April 17th in The Bernard Hall, Cuddington starting at 2pm. There will be cakes, plants, books, bric-a-brac stalls, a raffle, tombola, and teas. The Sunshine Club is a social group which meets every other week in Cuddington. It welcomes anyone over 60 and several Chearsley residents enjoy going to the meetings for tea, bingo, cards and outings. If anyone would like to help out on the tea rota, please contact Sherry Scott on 291526 who would be delighted to hear from you.

Village Happenings
The fourth, April edition is now out and you should have received a copy. Extra copies are available at the Tearooms.