with Margaret Morbey
Chearsley Cricket Club
Despite a miserable wet Bank Holiday Monday, six members of the Cricket Club successfully competed the Chalgrove 10k run. They all finished in under an hour and together raised £600 for Club funds.
The weather has caused a frustrating delay to the start of the season in the Cherwell League. However, the club was pleased to have had over 50 youngsters attending their first practice sessions on Tuesday evenings. Weather permitting for the matches to take place, the Club welcomes supporters every weekend and the bar is open from 1pm
A new year of the 100 club begins in June and new members are needed. The more members there are, the greater the monthly prizes. The 100 club, a monthly draw, is an important way of raising funds for the Club’s needs. Please contact Louisa Gadsby at Little Orchard Church Lane, Chearsley HP18 0DF, or email louisagadsby@hotmail.co.uk or download a copy of the application form to join – a year’s subscription costs £24. Applications must be received by June 29 for inclusion in the first draw which will take place at the Cricket Club on Saturday June 30 at 7.30pm.
The Club is looking forward to their Disco on Friday 25 at 7.30pm. at the pavilion to celebrate their 90th birthday. Tickets for this cost £12.50 to include a chilli and jacket potato supper. Please contact Sonia Timberlake on 208959 or email soniat@fsmail.net for more information.
All recycling baskets including the boxes for glass will next be collected on Tuesday May 29.
Jubilee celebrations for Monday June 4.
Details of the day’s events are on the Jubilee page and on the noticeboard. Hopefully everyone will come and join in and the sun will shine.
Royal Scarecrows
These must be put up on The Green by 12 noon on Sunday May 27th ready for judging on that day at 12.30. Please ring Claire on 208087 for more information.
Birthday Congratulations
Alicia Howard of School Lane has celebrated a “special” birthday in the past week. Congratulations!