with Margaret Morbey
Mobile Library
This will next be in the village on Monday April 22 from 12.20 until 12.45 by The Green. Please note that because of May Day Bank Holiday it will miss a visit and be here again on Monday May 20.
Closure of Lower Green Lane – a reminder that commencing on Wednesday May 8 Lower Green Lane will be closed except for access so that water carriageway works can take place. It is anticipated that the work will take about 3 days to complete.
Steam Train – A number of villagers gathered by the lineside in Chearsley to watch Earl of Mount Edgcumbe fly by in a few seconds’ flash of steam and motion last Saturday, with no time to catch a glimpse of Chearsley’s representative on board. A fine photo taken by John Fowler cab seen here. The train of 8 coaches consisted of 4 Pullman dining and 3 “steerage” coaches and 1 coach which had been cleverly converted to carry more water. There would not have been enough water in the steam engine’s 3,000gallon tender to make the journey without stopping to replenish (about 30 gallons per mile is required), so further capacity of about 3,000gallons was carried in the converted carriage positioned immediately behind the tender. The trip was a success but not without great disappointment that the return journey had to be diesel hauled. The engine had caused lineside fires between Banbury and Bicester resulting in the authorities not allowing the steam engine to haul the train on the return trip. The train was therefore diesel hauled with the steam engine providing power to heat the train only. Thanks again for information from my steam train enthusiast.
Chearsley Church – Fundraising for 3 new bells – There will be an Auction of Promises, antiques and collectables with a professional auctioneer on Saturday May 18 at 6.00pm. This will be held at The Martins, Turnip Close when there will be a pig roast, raffle, activities for children, fun for all ages. Tickets will cost £10 each for adults (free for children) which will include supper and wine or soft drinks. Another fund raising event will be MeadowSong on Saturday July 6 at 6.30pm at Long Meadow, Dark Lane when songs of the Musicals and much more will be performed by international singers, Paul Shinar and Laura Fealy. Tickets will be £15 for adults which will include a picnic supper box. There will be a raffle, barbecue, strawberries and cream and a bar. Please contact Joy Payne on 018344 208513 or email joychearsley@talktalk.net for more information.
Honey Bee Swarms – Honey Bees usually swarm in early spring(hopefully soon then) just as the colony is building up numbers in anticipation of the upcoming honey flow, but swarming can happen through to late summer. Swarms are often found hanging from a tree branch, fence post or any place where the swarm can gather close to the Queen while scouts are sent out to look for a more permanent home. A swarm left alone will only be in place from just a few minutes to a few hours and occasionally a few days. Generally these swarms are very docile and the swarming bees usually will not sting. When Honey Bees swarm they gorge themselves with honey before leaving the hive which makes it very hard for them to double over and sting. Honey Bees swarm because of their instinct to survive by sending out new colonies, also through overcrowding or because an old queen is thought to be failing and they wish to raise a new one. Swarms should never be interfered with. Declining Honey Bee numbers make the collection of swarms an important part of the work of bee keepers. Please contact Brian Bush, beekeeper of Haddenham Honey, on 01844 292195, mobile 07767 304067 or email brian.bush@btinternet.com.
Waddesdon Manor – is featuring in Bargain Hunt programmes planned to be shown on Friday April 12 and Monday May 6 at 12.15pm on BBC 1
Open Garden in aid of British Red Cross - Thursday April 18. Hall Farm, Little Linford, Milton Keynes MK19 7EA will be open from 2 until 5pm with entry fee of £3.00. This is a 2 acre informal farmhouse hilltop garden. Cedar lawn with roses, wild pond and small woodland walk and spring bulbs. There will also be plants and home-made cakes for sale. Refreshments available and a children’s Treasure Hunt.
New Emergency Numbers – there are now new numbers for emergency calls in addition to 999 for police, fire and ambulance. 101 is the number to call for police help when it is less urgent than a 999 call, for instance, a minor motor accident, property has been stolen or to give police information about a crime. 111 is the number to call for medical help or information which does not require the 999 emergency number. Both numbers are available at all times and cost 15p per call from landline or mobile.