Thursday, 14 August 2014

Village News

with Margaret Morbey

Chearsley Classic Car and Fun Day Sunday September 7 midday to 5.00pm – an apology from me to Fred, the chief organiser of the Car Show, for calling him Fred Crawley last week when it is of course Fred Crawford. In mitigation, as it quite easy for me to get things a little bit wrong, I was confused with the name of Crawley which is where Fred used to live. Sorry Fred. However, another chance to remind everyone about the Classic Car Day – more details can be found on their website and there are still pitches available for the Car Boot Sale. Remember entry is free. More help would be appreciated on the day to help everything run smoothly as there is a lot going on. If you are able to help for all or part of the day, please contact Adam Lazaruk, Larry Greenfield, Angela Gray or Terry Gadsby.

Proposed planning for 10 dwellings at Stoney Furlong, Chilton Road
An Appeal has been lodged relating to this site by Mr Simon Vickers with the start date of August 7. Any comments made to AVDC on the original planning application will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate. Further comments can be submitted either in writing when 3 copies are asked for or comments can be made online and must be received within 5 weeks from the Appeal start date. The address for written representations is 3/09 Kite Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN. The website for comments is AVDC’s statement will be available for viewing 6 weeks from the start date which can be viewed together with other documents relating to the Appeal via their website at I have been unable to access details on the AVDC website with the planning reference I have. Perhaps others will have more success. When made, the decision will be published on the Planning Portal.

Allotment available for Chearsley residents only – if you are a Chearsley resident and are interested in taking up an allotment on the site in Winchendon Road at a cost of £10 per year, please contact Alicia Howard, Churchwarden on St Nicholas Church. Her phone number is 208036 or email Alicia on

Chearsley Shop - The instant scratch cards which have been on sale in the shop for a few weeks are selling well and coming up with a good number of prizes. The latest top prize has been £100 for the purchase of a winning £5 card. Jeyan is hoping that the success of the sale of the instants will lead to the installation of the National Lottery terminal in due course.

The Bell Summer Party - Saturday August 30 6pm till late. Everyone is invited to come and join in the fun , a good village get-together and last hurrah before the children go back to school the following week. There will be face painting and bouncy castle attractions for the children. Refreshments of a BBQ and fish and chips followed by strawberries and cream to sustain everyone, and a Pimms Tent and Real Ale to help the Party go with a swing all evening to the sounds of the Disco.

Chearsley Show – September 6 at the village hall – Hopefully everyone is remembering to keep watering and tending their possible entries in the Show. I am hopeful my zinnias will be worthy of a prize again this year after last year’s first prize (Not so good as it might sound as there were only 2 entries – more would be good this year). Please remember that entry forms cannot be accepted after Tuesday September 2. This is on account of a considerable amount of sorting and writing of tickets associated with each entry that has to be done and please make sure all entries are brought to the hall before 10.15am on Saturday morning, so that the judges have time to go round and consider the exhibits. They often have other Shows to attend later in the day. If you are not sure what the Show is all about and whether what you have to offer is good enough, just come along in the afternoon from 2.45pm to see what entries there are. It is a fairly low-key, friendly village occasion. For more information or an entry form, please ring Joy on 208513.

Fashion Show and Sale at Tyringham Hall, Cuddington on Sunday August 24 at 2.00pm. Tickets are £5.00 which will include refreshments. This will be a fun fashion show with the opportunity to buy. All proceeds will go towards the Sunshine Club which serves Cuddington, Chearsley and Nether Winchendon. The Sunshine Club is a social group for over 60s held every fortnight on Monday afternoons from 2.00 until 4.00pm in the Cuddington Playing Fields Clubhouse. Transport to the Sunshine Club can be arranged for anyone who needs it. Please contact Sherry Scott, the leader on 01844 291932 for more information.

Diary Dates
  • Sunday August 24 - Family Service St Nicholas Church at 10.00am
  • Sunday August 24 - Charity Fashion show and Sale at Tyringham Hall, Cuddington at 2.00pm
  • Tuesday August 26 to August 30 – Black Coffee at Oxford Playhouse, where Eric Carte is part of the cast. Matinees on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.