with Margaret Morbey : 01844-208913
Parish Council Meeting Monday May 15
No members of the public attended this recent meeting, except for myself, Elaine Bown, accompanying her Parish Councillor husband and Mike Hawkett, AVDC councillor, by invitation from the Parish Council. A disappointing show after the enthusiastic and well supported last meeting. The Parish council welcome your attendance and support at their meetings.
Election of officers: Nic Brown was re-elected chairman and John Lewis Vice Chairman. Mike Heybrook has agreed to continue his work as footpaths officer, although no longer a councillor. Michael Edmonds will represent the Council on the Parochial Church Council and the Village Hall committee. Robert Parkes has agreed to continue assisting as financial officer.
matters arising from The Minutes – new bus stop signs and bus shelter improvements are in hand. Kerbing work in Dark Lane will start Monday May 22. A facebook page for the council is in the process of being set up. Transport for Bucks has installed strips to record speed into the village on Aylesbury and Long Crendon Roads. The defibrillator is still to be installed, possibly in the bus shelter. John Lewis to investigate installing the necessary electric supply and possibly to The Green. A quote for work to the Chestnut tree had been received of nearly £1,000 to reduce the crown and shorten branches.
Planning matters: An amended plan for 2/4 Winchendon Road by Aylesbury Vale Housing Trust was discussed, now for 7 dwellings. It was agreed to support this, as before.
Village Meeting was deemed a great success with over 90 villagers attending with comments of appreciation of the Council’s work. How to maintain interest from villagers and to attend Council meetings was a problem. Parking in Bernard's Close, raised at the village meeting will be included in a general feasibility study of speeding in the village.
Chearsley Flag: a few designs had been received. It was hoped more would be received before a decision was made at the next meeting.
The Green: Decisions regarding bollards round The Green and replacement of the railings by the bus stop still to be made.
Village Footpaths: The council confirmed that Graham King had been instructed to clear the village footpaths of cow parsley.
Details of the agenda and minutes of meetings can be viewed at the
Parish Council website - the next meeting will be held on Monday June 19 at 7.30pm in the village hall.
Kerbing work in Dark Lane commencing Monday May 22
Please note that the Parish Council have arranged for kerbing work to commence at the bottom of Dark Lane this Monday May 22 which will take 5 to 7 days to complete.
Over that period, the road will be obstructed for much of the day and appropriate traffic re-direction signs will be displayed at the top of the village. Access to Elm Brook Close and other houses at the bottom of Dark Lane will be maintained at all times.
The contractors have given assurances that they will make every effort to minimise the disruption during the works but there is bound to be some inconvenience. If you do feel you have cause for complaint, please speak in the first instance to the team carrying out the work. The foreman is Mick, although he may not always be present. The contractor is Richard Ashford Limited of Aylesbury 01296 330111.
Speeding in the village
This is a plea from a villager about the on-going problem of speeding, not only on roads into and through the village but on our narrow roads in the village itself and to ask all drivers to slow down. Recently there have been some particular instances of a blue Mercedes being driven far too quickly in the Chearsley lanes, with little regard for pedestrians, children on bikes and dogs on leads which might be encountered. If you feel this might apply to you, please make the effort to slow down and drive appropriately and with consideration for other villagers and the narrow, sunken village lanes.
Disco Friday June 9
Chearsley Juniors are holding a Disco at the Cricket Club from 6.30 to 8.30pm on Friday June 9. Tickets cost £5 for 1 child and £3.50 for additional children. Tickets include a glo’stick and refreshments of hot dog, jelly and drink. The bar and tuck shop will also be open. Everyone is welcome. Proceeds from the disco will go towards the funds for the Junior Section of the Cricket Club. Please contact Laura Cambray at
lauracambray@btinternet.com or phone 077941499 for tickets or more information.
Village Fete
There will be a new stall this year of “
Chearsley Crafters”. Donations of handmade items will be very gratefully received to fill the stall with a range of small, locally made, non-edible goodies, such as cards, beading work, soaps, metal work, pottery, paintings, sewn items. If you can, please use any spare moments before June 24 to get crafting. Phone 201611 if you are able to contribute.
The Mill at Sonning
Many villagers will be pleased to learn that ex-Chearsley resident and actor, Eric Carte, will be appearing at Sonning theatre with restaurant and riverside bar in Agatha Christie’s Thriller, Spider’s Web. The play is directed by Brian Blessed and Eric is playing the part of Hugo. Performances start on July 6 until September 9. All theatre tickets include a 2 course dinner. Evening shows are held from Tuesday to Saturday with matinees every Saturday and on some Thursdays and Sundays. As well as the chance to enjoy an enthralling and entertaining thriller with intrigue, lies, murder and mystery, there is also the possibility of glimpse of a very well known Sonning resident, who has been known to pop into The Mill at Sonning. And, of course, there is the the delight of seeing Eric. Contact the box office on 0118 969 8000 or book tickets and find out more information from their web site
Services at St Nicholas:
- Sunday May 28 Family Service
Diary Dates:
- Sunday May 21 Chuf Summer Party 2 to 4pm in the village hall
- Sunday May 28/29 Cream teas in Nether Winchendon from 2.30 to 5pm
- Friday June 9 Disco for Juniors at the Cricket Club from 6.30 to 8.30pm
- Monday June 19 Parish Council meeting in the village hall at 7.30pm
- Saturday June 24 Village Fete 12.30 onwards on and around The Green
- Friday, Saturday, Sunday, June 30, July 1 and 2nd Flower Festival in St Nicholas church
- Saturday July 8 Meadow Song from 6.30pm at the village hall.
- Sunday September 10 Chearsley Classic & Vintage Fun Day from 12 noon at the Cricket Club