Monday, 28 October 2019

Chearsley Update

Dashwood Trophy Presentation for Best Kept Village in Buckinghamshire

On Monday 21st October at the Village Hall, the President of the Best Kept Village in Buckinghamshire Award, Sir Henry Aubrey Fletcher, made a formal presentation of The Dashwood Trophy to Nic Brown, our Chearsley Parish Council Chairman, who accepted on behalf of our community. The trophy, a silver watering can, is on display at The Bell public house.

Chearsley had entered the Bucks Best Kept Village competition for the first time in several years. The Dashwood Trophy is awarded for the Best Runner-Up in the smaller village category, with populations between 500 and 1,500 inhabitants.

Reporting Potholes and Road Issues

The Parish Council would like to request that villagers report road issues directly to Transport for Bucks via the website as well as sending email to the PC. This website can also be used for reporting issues outside of Chearsley e.g. fly tipping.