Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Invitation to the presentation of the Dashwood Trophy

On the evening of 21st October, the President of the Bucks Best Kept Village Award, Sir Henry Aubrey Fletcher, will make a formal presentation of The Dashwood Trophy to our community at the Village Hall.

The Parish Council would welcome attendance by all parishioners. The presentation will take place at 7.30 before the Parish Council meeting scheduled for that evening. Refreshments will be available from 7.15.

In 2019, Chearsley entered the Bucks Best Kept Village competition for the first time in several years and won the Dashwood Trophy for the Best Runner-Up in the smaller village category, with populations between 500 and 1,500 inhabitants.

The judges awarded Chearsley 97 marks (out of a maximum potential score of 100 points) – just a single point behind the winning village, Hedgerley, and level with Cuddington. Although we were level pegging with Cuddington, the trophy must go to a village which has not won an award in the past five years.

The marks are awarded across a wide range of criteria covering village facilities, general environmental features and evidence of ‘community effort’.

In its contact with the BBKV organising committee, the PC has suggested that in future there should be a stronger focus on specific environmental factors among the awards criteria.