During 2016, Chearsley Parish Council (CPC) carried out three surveys to register the number of HGVs making a journey through the main roads of Chearsley – a copy of the final report is attached (‘HGV Surveys 2016 Summary Report’)
The surveys proved to be a valuable resource in communicating our concerns about heavy HGV traffic to Transport for Bucks (TfB) and other interested parties. Whilst CPC remain frustrated about the lack of progress in curbing HGV and general traffic through the village, we are reassured that at least the problem had received some formal recognition. The ‘Bucks CC Freight Strategy 2018 - 2036, published in June 2018, referred to Chearsley, Cuddington and Bishopstone “used as rat runs”.
In the current year, CPC is looking to redouble its efforts for the introduction of ‘traffic calming’ measures within the village boundaries. A Chearsley ‘Speedwatch Team’ has already starting monitoring traffic speeds on the main roads though the village and CPC intends to make progress on implementing the desired changes at the main junction in the village (‘Horse Chestnut Tree Island’).
CPC will also continue to make representations to Bucks CC and other local political contacts and is actively engaged with the Waddesdon Freight Workshop which is looking at local implementation of the Bucks CCC Freight Strategy, including possible restrictions on HGV traffic.
In order to help communicate Chearsley’s ‘challenges’ to best effect, CPC have decided to update the survey work undertaken in 2016 and carry out three ‘Commercial Vehicle Surveys’ during the months of July, September and October.
This year’s surveys will be extended to include both HGVs and all other categories of commercial vehicles making journeys through the village – see the attached Commercial Vehicle Registration Form and the supporting document ‘Examples of Commercial Vehicles. In addition, a separate count of all vehicles, including private cars, will take place to deliver a more comprehensive picture of the traffic issues facing the village – see the attached ‘Traffic Count Data Registration Form’
It is planned to hold the first survey on:
Thursday 9th July (08.00 hours – 18.00 hours)
Many residents kindly helped with the three 2016 surveys and, needless to say, we are looking for lots of volunteers to help with this year’s work.
Have a look at the final attachment ‘Survey Rota’. You’ll see that we’ve based the survey registration work around 48 two hour ‘slots’.
The more flexible you can be regarding attendance during the day, the easier it’ll be for us to plan and fill all the slots. Please don’t put your name down for any specific timings at this stage but, by all means, indicate either am or pm availability (or both!)
Any offers of help would be most welcome – many hands make light work, as some wise person once said.
All volunteers will receive a more detailed briefing before the day, including relevant advice on the ‘social distancing’ guidelines in force at the time.