o HGV survey
o Chearsley Cricket
o Candle lighting video #5
Chearsley Village Hall and Covid-19 Update
With the latest lifting of restrictions by the Government some activities can now be booked and can take place inside the village hall. However the management committee for Chearsley Village Hall is keen to ensure that the safety and welfare of all hall users remains a top priority during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The hall is cleaned regularly and there is a no-touch hand sanitiser dispenser at the main entrance of the hall. There is disinfectant spray, soap and hand towels in the toilets and kitchen. However, it will be the hirers responsibility to take all adequate steps to ensure that their users can remain at least at least 2 metres away from each other whilst inside (and outside) the hall and that users and hirers will space out 2 metres apart when queuing to enter the hall. It is also the hirers responsibility to carry out a risk assessment to ensure compliance with the current government regulations in force for the activity or event that they propose to hold in the hall. If you have any questions please email chearsleyvillagehall@hotmail.co.uk .
1st 2020 HGV Survey successfully held
This took place on 23/7 as planned. Many thanks to the ~40 villagers who took part. It was excellent to see such a large turnout throughout the day. Also a very special thanks to John Howard who carefully planned everything beforehand and on the day martialled operations with military precision and ensured everyone was briefed and equipped with sheets and clipboards etc. John and his team are now processing the data and will update in due course.
The Cricket club 1st and 2nd XI's have now started playing a number of friendlies on Saturdays and Sundays with the bar now open in the pavilion. So a great way to spend a pleasant and convivial afternoon while socially distanced. On Saturday 25th at 1pm the 2nds are playing Abingdon and on Sunday 26th at 12 the 2nds are playing Cuddington Kites. Nets have also restarted on Thursdays at 6-8pm. Note: The Pitchero mails are incorrect and refer to the pre-Covid planned schedule of matches.
Candle Service Video
The Rev Richard Phillips has posted his latest candle service #5 here .