Monday 28 September 2020

Celebrate Harvest Festival in Chearsley 5th to 11th October

It’s Harvest time! We can’t get together and celebrate as we normally do, but here in Chearsley plenty of alternative activities are in the planning. Here’s a round-up of what will be happening during the week of 5th to 11th October – look out for further details coming shortly…

Harvest Week with St Nicholas’ Church Chearsley – 5th to 11th October

• ‘Harvest bags’ full of fun activities and crafts for all ages will be distributed within the village.

• An additional food donation box will be placed in the bus shelter.

• Saturday 10th – decorate some of the pews in church. How about a Harvest scarecrow!

• Sunday 11th  at 9.30am – a traditional Harvest Thanksgiving service at church.

• Sunday 11th  at 4.00pm – an informal family ‘Messy Church’ celebration at church.

• At any time during the week, hold a Harvest Supper for 6 at home. Make it special – light a candle, say the Harvest prayer, make a table decoration and take a photo to share on Chearsley blog.

Please bring Harvest gifts of tinned food at any time during the week, or to the services, and place them at the altar. Along with the bus stop donations, they will be taken to The Porch Day Centre in Oxford, a charity providing a stepping stone to those who are homeless or vulnerably housed. Let’s give thanks and celebrate, and think of others less fortunate.