Monday, 23 August 2021

Chearsley Car Show Sept 12th - can you help ?

Just a quick note to tell you that the arrangements for the Car Show are progressing well. As you may know, all proceeds from the day will be invested in the development of Junior cricket at the club.

A key to the success of our event over the years has been the fantastic support the organisers have received from a large group of ‘Team Chearsley’ volunteers.


Our ‘team leaders’ have already started recruiting volunteers to help during the day. If you haven’t yet been ‘recruited’ and would like to help, please get in touch with one of our ‘team leaders’ below.


Our vehicle registrations are already approaching the 300 mark and we’ve been picking up some good publicity….here’s a couple of examples


You may have seen our new poster on the village green and we’ll shortly be placing other posters at various key locations on approach roads to the village. We’ve just produced a promotional flyer for the event and if you could make use of a quantity, please let me know. Alternatively, feel free to make use of the pdf , available on this link, to produce a noticeboard poster or circulate to friends, family or other potential visitors.


As ever, your support will be greatly appreciated….thanks in anticipation.


The Classic Car Show Team