Wednesday, 11 August 2021

o Bucks Council survey on bus services - your views requested

o Play around the Parishes

o New blog email distribution 

Bucks Council survey on bus services

Bucks Council are requesting your views on local bus services. The survey will close on Friday 3 September:

Play around the Parishes

Play around the Parishes returns to Ashendon next Wednesday, 18th August from 10am to 12pm.  It's a free event for children aged 1-10 living in Ashendon and the surrounds, with arts and crafts and fun activities.

All the fun takes place on the playing fields in Lower End, HP18 0HE, or in the event of wet weather, Ashendon Village Hall, HP18 0HB. If you are coming by car from the surrounding villages, please park in the Ashendon Playing Field car park.

Play around the Parishes is running 36 play sessions over 19 parishes this summer. All events are free. Details are here and on the Play around the Parishes facebook page

New Email Blog Distribution Mechanism

We have had to change the distribution mechanism as Google are deprecating Feedburner. We are trying Follow.IT so the email may look slightly different and there may be some issues while we adapt to this. However you should be able to still subscribe or unsubscribe to the email feed for new blog posts as before.