with Margaret Morbey
Birthday Congratulations
John Tribe of Church Lane recently celebrated a “special” birthday. Congratulations to John!
Litter Pick on Saturday, 13th March
Please come and help tidy up Chearsley by spending about half an hour joining in this Litter Pick. Meet at 10.30 outside The Bell. Gloves and bags will be provided.
Mobile Library
This will next be in Chearsley on The Green on Monday 15th March from 1.10 to 1.35pm.
Chearsley W.I.
This will meet on Tuesday March 16th in Chearsley Village Hall at 2.00pm, when the speaker, Tessa Mclusky, will give a talk about her travels in Guatemala and Honduras. Everyone, including non-members, is welcome!
St Patrick's Night at The Bell
Come and celebrate this night on Wednesday 17th March when Irish Stew, Champagne and Guinness are being served.
Chearsley Village Trust
The Trust is again inviting applications from individuals or groups in the village for an award for finance for their project or activity. Please write to Val Davies, the Clerk to the Trustees at Minster, Dark Lane, Chearsley HP18 0DA giving details of your project, who benefits and what other funds are available. The deadline for applications is Sunday, April 4th.
Chearsley Parish Council Meeting
This was held at The village Hall on Monday 1st March, under the chairmanship of Nic Brown and with several members of the public attending.
During the time open to the public to address the committee, strong feelings against the proposed 2 new properties on land behind the Old House were voiced. A site meeting was arranged.
Availability of a suitable place in which to exercise a dog which is also accessible to a child’s buggy was another problem brought up, and no conclusion reached.
The hedge at Chilton Road and the Cricket Field was again mentioned.
Salt Bins – A community grant will be applied for towards heavy duty salt bins.
Benches on The Green - these will now be ordered and a site meeting arranged for the position of the benches, so they should be in place for the warmer weather in the spring.
Lanes and Highways – The Parish Council and members of the public are being invited to complete questionnaires from Bucks County Council on the subject of winter maintenance of the roads. It was also reported that extra money and labour have been provided to mend all the potholes.
Planning – applications had been received for building works at The Old House, School Lane, The Grainstore, Crendon Road, and 9 School Lane. Site meetings for these were arranged.
The hedge in School Lane and Dark Lane still needs trimming as does the Chestnut Tree in the middle of Chearsley – both matters to be dealt with shortly.
Speeding in the village was discussed and is was agreed that this should be a topic for the Annual Parish Meeting which will be held on Monday, 19th April at 7.30 in the Village Hall, when all members of the Parish are invited to have their say about what goes on in the village and to hear about current projects.